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Do You Knowhow long you’ve got until your customer switches to your competitor?

25 Ekim 2007 Perşembe

U.S. slaps new sanctions on Iran

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on Thursday announced new economic sanctions against Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and its Quds Force.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, left, listens to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

The Revolutionary Guard Corps is being designated by the United States as a proliferator of weapons of mass destruction and the Quds force as a supporter of terrorism.
The sanctions mean that no "U.S. citizen or private organization will be allowed to engage in financial transactions with these persons and entities," Rice said. "In addition, any assets that these designees have under U.S. jurisdiction will be immediately frozen."

The United States also designated three Iranian state-owned banks for sanctions, two of them "for their involvement in proliferation activities" and the other "as a terrorist financier," Rice said.

"Iran funnels hundreds of millions of dollars each year through the international financial system to terrorists," Paulson said. "Iran's banks aid this conduct using a range of deceptive financial practices intended to evade even the most stringent risk management controls."
"The Iranian government continues to spurn our offer of open negotiations, instead threatening peace and security by pursuing nuclear technologies that can lead to a nuclear weapon; building dangerous ballistic missiles; supporting Shia militants in Iraq and terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories; and denying the existence of a fellow member of the United Nations, threatening to wipe Israel off the map," Rice said.

The Quds Force is blamed by the U.S. military for training and arming Shiite militias in Iraq and smuggling highly lethal explosives into Iraq, where they are used to attack coalition forces. Iran denies the charge.

Previous sanctions imposed by the United States have been tied to Iran's nuclear program. The United States believes Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapon, a claim that the Islamic republic denies, saying its program is for peaceful purposes only.

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Last month, representatives of world powers announced that unless a November report shows a "positive outcome" of talks with Iran about its uranium enrichment program, they will move ahead with plans for a resolution imposing additional sanctions on the country.

The announcement came out of a meeting of what the participants termed the "P5 plus two." The meeting included Rice and the foreign ministers of the other four permanent members of the U.N. Security Council -- Britain, China, France and Russia -- along with the foreign minister of Germany and Javier Solana, the European Union foreign policy chief who has held nuclear talks with Iran.

The Security Council has repeatedly demanded that Iran suspend enrichment of uranium and has imposed limited sanctions on Tehran for refusing to comply. The United States has been trying to cut Iran off from the international financial system and the European Union is weighing its own unilateral sanctions.

19 Ekim 2007 Cuma


October 22, 2007 · Metropolitan Club · New York City

For years, Barron's Roundtable has kicked off the investing season with its publication in January. The Roundtable's legendary professional investors and Barron's world-class writers become accessible to the public. On October 22nd, Barron's presents The Art of Successful Investing, a daylong conference where a limited number of individuals can learn from the gurus of Wall Street who've sat at the Roundtable and ask questions. Participants will also be able to gain perspective from the editors and writers of Barron's.

Ed Finn, president and editor of Barron's, will interview a "Who's Who" list of top-flight market experts, including:
Oscar Schafer
Felix Zulauf
Marc Faber
Abby Joseph Cohen
Fred Hickey
Scott Black
John Neff
Dean Curnutt
Stephanie Pomboy

Plus, Barron's reporters Andrew Bary, Jackie Doherty, Jonathan Laing and Eric Savitz will talk about the great — and not so great — cover stories they've written.

The luncheon speaker will be Alan Abelson, Barron's resident market commentator, renowned for the depth of his investing insights as well as the wit and wisdom of his take on today's financial scene.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet, learn from and question these market authorities…in the exclusive environment of this conference. Most important, they'll take away investing ideas that they can apply instantly for benefit of their own portfolios.

Oil prices reach record high

Oil prices reach record highGraeme WeardenFriday

Oil prices shot over $90 (£44) a barrel for the first time ever late last night, prompting fears of higher petrol prices at the pumps.

The price of a barrel of US crude oil reached $90.02 in after-hours trading in New York, driven by the weakness of the US dollar and growing tension between Turkey and Kurdish rebels.
It finished at $89.56, more than 6% higher than at the start of the week. But in London, the price of a barrel of Brent crude declined slightly in early trading.

Google profits leap

Google profits leap 46%Andrew Clark in New York

Google's money-making juggernaut rolled on as world's top internet search company produced a 46% leap in profits to $1.07bn (£523m) during the third quarter of the year.
The Silicon Valley behemoth enjoyed growth in the popularity of tailor-made Google personal homepages. It reaped the benefit of improved mobile phone searches and broader use of its on-line document-sharing applications.

In results which came out after the markets closed, Google said its revenue had jumped by 57% to $4.23bn fuelled by a 45% surge in so-called "paid clicks" - the number of times users alighted on advertising links.

18 Ekim 2007 Perşembe

TEB Icat Cikar Proje Yarismasi


Shell’in binek otomotivler için geliştirdiği “Yakıt Tasarrufu Formüllü Yeni Shell Kurşunsuz 95” ürünü ile yakıt tüketiminde yüzde 10 oranında tasarruf sağlanacak. İngiliz Taylor çifti, “Yakıt Tasarrufu Formüllü Yeni Shell Kurşunsuz 95” ile kırdığı Guiness Dünya Rekoru’nda sadece 24 depo yakıt kullanarak dünyanın çevresini dolaşmayı başarmıştı.


Shell, yakıt tasarrufu özelliği ile Guinness Dünya Rekorları Kitabı’na giren ana ürün grubu yakıtı “Yeni Shell Kurşunsuz 95”i, Türkiye’deki akaryakıt istasyonlarında bugünden itibaren satışa sundu. Shell mühendisleri ve uzmanlarınca İngiltere ve Almanya’daki Ar-Ge laboratuvarlarında geliştirilen “Yakıt Tasarrufu Formüllü Yeni Shell Kurşunsuz 95”, motordaki sürtünme ve tortu birikimini engelleyerek sürücülere daha fazla ödemeden daha fazla yol kat etmelerini sağlıyor.

Eğer tüm araç sürücüleri % 10 ve daha fazla yakıt tasarruf ederse, bu yıllık 170 milyar litre daha az yakıt kullanmak demek. Bu da yılda içilen şişe suyu miktarının 2 katına denk geliyor.
Akaryakıt teknolojisinin öncü şirketi Shell’in 70 yıllık yakıt tasarrufu deneyimini binek otomobiller için günümüze taşıyan “Yakıt Tasarrufu Formüllü Yeni Shell Kurşunsuz 95”, sürücülerin daha fazla ödemeden daha çok yol almalarını sağlıyor. Böylece sürücüler, otomobillerini sürme özgürlüğünden fedakarlık etmeden, yakıt ekonomisini pozitif yönde etkileyecek şekilde otomobil kullanarak yüzde 10 oranında yakıt tasarrufu elde edecekler.